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Collections and loops | Category

Collections is used to store data temporarily in memory and they are very useful in object-oriented programming. Loops are used to execute code repeatedly and they are very useful to process data in collections. This category includes free code for arraylists and for loops for instance.

Array and multidimensional array (C#, VB and ASP.NET) | Free code

Here you can download free code (C# and VB) that shows how you can create an array or a multidimensional array and how you can use an array to process data in lists.

ArrayList of objects (C#, VB and ASP.NET) | Free code

Here you can download free code (C# and VB) that exemplifies how an ArrayList of objects can be used to send and present data in object-oriented programming.

DataTable (C#, VB and ASP.NET) | Free code

Here you can download free code (C# och VB) that exemplifies the use of a DataTable to handle data in a web application in object-oriented programming.

Do While and Do Until loops (C#, VB and ASP.NET) | Free code

Here you can download free code (C# and VB) for Do While and Do Until loops that you can use to create loops with conditions.

For and For Each loops (C#, VB and ASP.NET) | Free code

Here you can download free code (C# and VB) to create a For loop to search through a list line by line and execute the same code on each line in the list.