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Upload a file to a web server (C#, VB and ASP.NET) | Free code

Here you can download free code (C# and VB) to upload a file to a folder on a web server and the file to be uploaded can be of any type.

Code to upload files to a web server can be used for many different purposes on a website such as for uploading pictures, music, movies and templates. However, there may be a security risk to let users upload files on a website and therefore may it be useful to consider what safety measures that must be taken when the feature of uploading files is added to a web page.

In this template with free code (C# and VB) to upload a file to a web server, is there a form where the user can select a file from the local computer and then press a button to upload the file to a folder on a web server. The code for uploading a file to a web server has not any restrictions on the type of files that can be uploaded but you can choose to limit the type of files that should be allowed by adding code for allowed file extensions in an If statement for example.

Remember that you in your web hosting account must have made a setting for the correct version of "ASP.NET" on your website (the version listed in the "Web.config" file). We are using Visual Web Developer 2005 (2010) Express Edition for web programming.
Updated: 01/01/2015 | Created by

Download Upload a file to a web server (C#, VB and ASP.NET) | Free code ยป

Tags: web code file