Business administration | Category
A company's administrative tasks can be done better and faster by the use of standardized templates or administrative softwares.This main category includes sub categories for accounting, business law and personnel for instance.
Accounting is about administration, internal control, bookkeeping and financial reporting. In this category you will find free templates that will help you to perform tasks concerning accounting like templates for quote, invoice and a income statement for instance.
There is a lot of decisions that has to be made in a company and templates for business calculations can be a good basis for decisions that affects financial outcomes. This category includes free templates for business calculations like calculations for investments and products for instance.
In this category you will find free templates for business law and these templates concerns mainly written contracts between businesses. Written contracts and agreements are prefered compared to oral agreements because they have a evidence value that oral agreements lacks.
Your company needs to forecast the sale to be able to plan how much resources to be used, how resources should be allocated and when resources should be mobilized and used. You can use these free templates for forecasts and planning to develop strategies and plans in your company.
Inventory management consists of methods and concepts applicable to goods in inventory, it´s about purchase decisions, inventory valuation and flow of goods. Templates in this category will assist you with inventory management in your company. This category includes free templates for ABC-analysis and inventory count for instance.
If your company have employees, there will be requirements for good human resources management from your employees, unions and government agencies. Free templates in this category will help you to handle these requirements in regard to personnel and HR.
Quality management consists of methods that is used to identify and satisfy customer needs. Templates in this category will help you to reduce errors, to create more flexibility and to reduce time usage. This category includes free templates like statistical process control and acceptance sampling.